Benefits of Therapeutic Treatments

Benefits of Therapeutic Treatments

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to take time out for ourselves. It is, however, essential for our well-being and it can help us become more resilient to stress thrown our way.

Therapeutic treatments release endorphins such as oxytocin. Oxytocin lowers heart rate and cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone mainly responsible for stress and high blood pressure. 12

When introduced within the workplace, a short treatment can also give the employee a chance to become aware of their physical tensions & musculoskeletal pains. This encourages corrective changes to their work position and promotes good posture awareness.

These treatments can help to ease a build-up of tension within the body & improve circulation. In addition, it triggers a relaxation response & can help to break the pain/tension/stress cycle that can cause sickness and time off work. Common issues such as carpal tunnel, repetitive strain injury, chronic back, neck and shoulder issues can all be helped by such treatments.

Some of the other benefits:

  • Stress Management: When introduced as an ongoing inclusion of the work week, it can keep the stress levels of employees on an even keel. It also works towards preventing burn-out
  • Time Out: Taking as little as fifteen minutes out of their ‘work zone’ allows employees to refresh and replenish
  • Employee Engagement: It boosts morale and motivation in the workplace and increases loyalty to the company

Employees are much more likely to be productive if they have regular opportunities to relax and recharge and they feel valued by your company. With the added ease of convenience of bringing these treatments right to your workplace, our therapies can help give both mind and body a chance to get back into balance.